English 320: Blog 2 Entry 2

As I read the Course Objectives a couple of weeks ago for this class, there was one that stood out to me. It states “Develop professionalism exhibited in such qualities as self-direction, cooperation, civility, reliability, and care in editing and presenting the final product” (English 320 Syllabus).

I interpret this as not only showing professionalism in our writing and the activities we are required to do in class. But also show professionalism in critiquing others writing, working in groups, and communicating on the internet with our discussion boards. It also is important to reliable in crediting the right source in our writing if needed, and also edit and present our peers writing in class with much car as we possibly can. And lastly, develop our professionalism by putting much effort into class, our assignments, and critiquing our work and others work.

